Over the last few weeks, I’ve been posting about ways to create balance in our lives. But have you ever wondered how your FRIENDS can affect your life balance? For instance . . .
• If you’re trying to get out of debt, do they pressure you to spend money on things you don’t need or support your choices?
• If you’re trying to lose weight, do they ask you to lunch at the new restaurant across town or suggest working out together?
• If you’re working on improving your marriage, do they give you unwelcome advice about how to handle your spouse, or are they encouraging you?
Consider whether these are the actions of friends who support you – or toxic friends who subconsciously want you to stay stuck in the unbalanced life you’re living now. Your inner circle is your closest 3-5 friends… Do you have the right people in your inner circle?
When life is off-kilter, we find out who our real friends are. Not our coworkers at the office or the moms we see on the school run—but true, stick-with-you friends who make up an inner circle of supporters who care about you.
We need more of these awesome friends in our lives. And don’t forget about mentors who can help you get ahead or make a difficult life decision. They’re friends, too, and deserve your attention.
Unfortunately, there’s one thing that friends really don’t do all that well: be impartial. They love you too much!
The reality is we don’t always have someone in our life who can hold us accountable for making progress on our biggest life goals—someone who can help us make plans, inspire us to keep going, and applaud us when we reach a milestone.
Loved ones, spouses and friends are far too close to our situation to be neutral. An “outsider” is really the only person who can be committed to your success over time.
As a Certified Oola Life Coach, that’s what I do.
In fact, as your coach, my job is to help you turn your dreams into achievable goals—then provide accountability as you pursue those goals with enthusiasm. Together, we’ll focus on ways to reach career milestones, personal goals and lifestyle objectives. But most importantly, I’m here to hold you accountable for making progress in every major area of your life.
Why not message me and see if it’s right for you? Or, you can read more about it here. Achieve your best life with Oola Coaching. I would be privileged to work with you in getting there.
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