Do you attract unwanted pests when you go outside? Do you have unwanted pests in your garden disrupting the veggies you want to grow?
If this describes you, take comfort in knowing that one of the ways you can fight back against mosquitoes, gnats, flies, no-see-ums and other pesky bugs doesn’t have to involve covering yourself with a sticky spray or engaging in chemical warfare. To help you enjoy going outdoors, try strategically placing insect-repelling plants in your garden or on your patio.
You have started some seeds. Yay! they germinated and little plants are coming up! Now what?
Let's go over growing seedlings and getting them ready for transplanting in the garden or outdoor containers...
When you are starting your own seeds for the garden there are some basic requirements for the seedlings. Today I'm going to share that list as well as my tips and tricks for creative options...